Inliner Solutions, LLC – ITB: M/D/WBE Certified Firms
Project: Sanitary Sewer Contract No. 1004 – Herring Run Sewershed Inflow and Infiltration Reduction – Area A, Baltimore, MD
Project Location: Baltimore, MD
Bid Due Date: 03/06/2024
Quotes Returned: 03/01/2024
- CCTV & Cleaning (562998)
- Pre CIPP CCTV & Cleaning
- Lateral Rehabilitation (237110)
- CIPP Spot Repairs
- Service Lateral CIPP
- Lateral lining
- Grouting-Structural & Non-structural
- Mainline CIPP Point Repairs (237110)
- 6” – 18”
- Open Cut Sewer (238910)
- Point Repairs – Mainline/Laterals
- Cleanout installations
- Lateral repairs 4” – 6”
- Mainline repairs 6” – 18”
- Lamphole replacements
- Drop Connections Type B
- Open Cut Water (238910)
- Furnish & renew water supply service
- Furnish & install meter setting
- Manhole Rehabilitation (237110)
- Resin coating
- Grout Injection/seal leaks
- Adjusting Rings
- Repair Pipe Seals
- Bench & Channel
- Replace Frame/Cover
- Replace MH steps
- Doghouse MH Installation
- Locate & Open MH’s
- Raise to Grade
- Clean/Chemical Root Treatment
- Manhole Installation/Replacement (237110)
- Precast
- *Brick
- Traffic Control (561990)
- Flaggers/Signs; etc.
- Landscaping (561730)
- Seeding and Sodding, topsoil, supply and/or install of new trees
- Site Grading (for restoration purposes)
- Tree and Brush removal
- Asphalt/Pavement/Concrete Restoration (237310)
- Alleys, roadways, sidewalks; etc.
- Milling
- Curb Inlet Replacement
- Combined Inlet Replacement
- Brick Sidewalk
- Concrete Sidewalk
- Pavement Markings
- Warning Pavers
- Sewer Bypass (237110)
- Wastewater bypass pumping/flow control
- Continuous monitoring of bypass
- Clearing & Grubbing (238910)
- Tree Felling
- Tree Protection
- Root Pruning
- Erosion/Sediment Control (561730)
- Portable sediment tank
- Storm drain inlet protection
- Silt Fence
- Excavation/Access (238910)
- Test Pit
- Test Pit Vacuum Prob Method
- Class III Excavation
- Select Backfill
- Flowable Fill
- Rock Excavation
- Stabilized Construction Entrance
- Temp Access Roads Type 1
- Temp Access Roads Type 2
- Misc.
- Chainlink Fence
- Privacy fence replacement
Specs/Plans /Questions– Ashden Middlebrooks | [email protected] | 470-503-5624