Inliner Solutions – ITB: S/M/WBE Certified Firms
Project: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation at Lakepoint State Park – Phase 1 & 2
Project Location: Barbour Co., AL
Bid Due Date: 12/04/2024
Quotes Returned: 11/27/2024
- Pre CIPP CCTV & Cleaning , San. Sewer(562998)
- 6”, 8” & 10” Dia. Sewer
- 36K + LF
- Sewer Lateral Rehabilitation (237110)
- 4” & 5” Sewer Lateral CIPP
- Open Cut Utility Repairs (238910)
- Mainline Sewer Point Repairs
- Cleanout Install
- Lateral Replacement
- Asphalt / Concrete Restorations
- Crushed Stone Backfill
- Lift Station Rehabilitation Work (Including Electrical Rehab) (237110)
- 5 Locations
- Manhole Rehabilitation (237110)
- Products of NUKOTE Coating Systems International, LLC. (NUKOTE) are referenced to establish a standard of quality. Any proposed alternatives must be pre-approved by the Engineer.
Specs/Plans /Questions– Ashden Middlebrooks | [email protected] | 470-503-5624