Inliner Solutions – ITB: MBE/WBE Certified Firms
Project: Contract No. 1007R – Jones Fall Sewershed Inflow and Infiltration Reduction – Area B,
Project Location: Baltimore City., MD
Bid Due Date: 01/08/2025
Quotes Returned: 01/03/2025
- Open Cut / point repair, Dig (including test pit) (238910)
- Bypass (237110)
- Lateral repairs (237110)
- Grouting Laterals and SHC (238110)
- Lateral Lining (237110)
- Grouting Manholes (238110)
- Manhole Rehab (237110)
- Manhole Frame and cover, manhole install (237110)
- Clearing & Grubbing (including tree removal) (238910)
- Traffic Control (561990)
- Landscaping (including Stabilized construction entrance, silt fencing, seeing & mulching, sod) (561730)
- Concrete & asphalt (including curb replacement, access road, sidewalk) (237310)
- Chain-link and privacy fencing (332618)
- Installation of replacement sewer lines (237110)
- CCTV& Cleaning (562998)
- Cleanout install (562998)
Specs/Plans /Questions– Ashden Middlebrooks | [email protected] | 470-503-5624